16. Learning to Listen to Your Body and Build Confidence: the Many Benefits of Teaching Yoga to Kids with Kelly Winkler

In this episode, I interview Kelly Winkler.  Kelly has extensive training working with children as an elementary school teacher and child life specialist for many years. In 2017, she began to feel a strong pull towards a consistent yoga practice. Her inspiration came from watching her preteen daughter fall in love with yoga and use it as a tool to deal with anxiety. Her goal is now to help as many people as she can find the benefit in the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Kelly got her children’s yoga certification through Kidding Around Yoga and now has gone on to also become a Kidding Around Yoga Trainer. She gives professional development for educators to incorporate mindfulness and yoga into their classroom. She is also the host of the Mindful Moments for Families and Schools Podcast.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Kelly shares how she has found her purpose in teaching yoga and mindfulness to children
  • Her daughter’s journey with anxiety and using mindfulness and yoga practices
  • The importance of normalizing mental health struggles and becoming an advocate for your mental health needs
  • Benefits of yoga for children of all ages 
  • How yoga teaches us to recognize our body signals/sensations
  • How to introduce yoga to children who might be more resistant
  • How yoga helps to build confidence
  • Mindfulness practices  for parents and teachers to integrate into daily life

    Kelly’s Bio:

     Kelly received a B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies from Penn State University. She has an extensive background working with children. She started her career as a child life specialist in the hospital setting. She then obtained her elementary teacher certification and has taught children ranging in age preschool through fifth grade. She is also a mother of four children. Kelly began her journey with yoga 16 years ago when she was pregnant with her first child. However, it wasn’t until 2017 that she began to find a strong pull toward a consistent yoga practice. Her inspiration came from watching her preteen daughter fall in love with yoga and use it as a tool to deal with anxiety. As a former educator and child life specialist Kelly became inspired to bring yoga to children. Over the years the environment in which she worked with children changed, however, one thing remained constant, her belief that the most important things she could bring a child were self-confidence, strength, and the power to create their own inner peace. This led her to become a certified yoga instructor. Her goal has become to help as many people as she can find the benefit in the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Kelly got her children’s yoga certification through Kidding Around Yoga and now has gone on to also become a Kidding Around Yoga Trainer. She gives professional development for educators to incorporate mindfulness and yoga into their classroom. Kelly believes the benefits of mindfulness are so powerful she has created a podcast for parents and teachers where she shares these tools. She strives to educate and engage children and their families in these practices. She is now offering a parent coaching to help families have a more calm and connected home.

15. Is it Burnout or Compassion Fatigue? Finding the Right Mindfulness Course For You, with Donna Costa.

In this episode, I interview Donna Costa, an occupational therapist with expertise in the areas of mental health and mindfulness interventions. Donna has received extensive certifications in leading various mindfulness curriculums. We discuss tools for finding the right mindfulness course for you. We also dive into the impacts of compassion fatigue and job burnout during these challenging times. In this episode we cover:

Donna’s Bio

Donna Costa has been an occupational therapist for 47 years with expertise in the practice areas of mental health and academic education. She is a fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association. Donna has authored three books on fieldwork education – The Essential Guide to Fieldwork Education (2004, 2015) and Clinical Supervision in Occupational Therapy (2007) and has served as an Associate Editor and chapter author for the 6 th Edition of The Occupational Therapy Manager. She has also written numerous articles for OT Practice. Donna came to UNLV in 2017 to develop the Occupational Therapy Program and is currently the Founding Program Director and Associate Professor in Residence. Mindfulness-based interventions are a strong interest of Dr. Costa, with formal training/certification in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management, and the Koru Mindfulness Program for college students.



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